Saturday, February 26, 2011

2012 Elections

For my paper, I am reading a book about TV campaign advertising. Though I have not finished the book, the preliminary findings suggest that TV advertising is highlighted by candidates more than necessary. Thorough experiments by the authors imply that viewers are not all that affected by TV advertisements, though they do serve to solidify the partisan groups of Democrat and Republican. The book discusses the differences between advertising that slurs the other candidate and advertising that promotes the candidate.
This article about Obama caught my eye since it indicated the interest that parties have in TV advertising and the money that is spent running these televised campaigns. I am shocked by the money that is spent, knowing that the effect is not all that significant. I believe that dollars could be far better spent.
I suppose that the argument for the appropriation of these dollars would be ensuring a candidate is elected that will be able to implement significant changes for America and the international community. Still, I am unconvinced. It seems to me that the intensity of TV advertising is a spoiled luxury for Americans.

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