Monday, March 7, 2011

CNN's Cat Wearing a Mask

On a recent episode of the Daily Show, Jon Stewart takes a stab at CNN being the "most trusted name in news". With programs like "Reporter Roulette" and "Random Moment of the Day" Stewart says that CNN has become nothing more than "news v-jays" - playing the most popular youtube videos and letting listeners decide what news stories they want to hear in detail.

These stories are nothing more than cheap filler shots that keep viewers paying attention without costing the network anything. It is a sorry state of affairs when news becomes less news and more fun. Are viewers so distracted and finicky that they can't sit through some real information???

See the whole clip here:

Its really worth it!


  1. Great find! Even CNN, which once upon a time really was a trusted news source, has sunk to the bottom of the barrel.

  2. I couldn't believe this either, especially because, as Jon points out, all three of the stories listed in the "you choose the news" segment seemed really valid and important and worthy of coverage!

  3. I completely agree with you that CNN as well as other major new sources have become filled with "fluff" bits rather than quality news pieces. I think it all boils down to the need to increase viewership. Sadly, the average american is more interested in watching the "fun bits", than watching boring news.

  4. in defense to CNN - it's a 24 hour news channel and there is only so much you can talk about the same subject. i guess eventually they would have to have fluff pieces.
